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[nginx|php-fpm] checking for PCRE JIT support ... not found[含1張圖]

發表於 2015-9-26 20:33:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
tid=19055& 本帖最後由 IT_man 於 2015-10-31 15:34 編輯
- t: `4 J5 N, D. L. R: I; G  w8 f6 p# e' I
When you compile(./configure ) for install component found error :  checking for PCRE JIT support ... not found& S6 ]4 `9 y$ r. j. i; ^  B  R

, |. z! R8 ?4 d5 I6 ?) K$ \You need to install "PCRE with JIT support"
3 Y/ n( C  {3 F0 t' r' ]; N* dEnter the following commands for PCRE JIT installation:
/ p6 t5 j+ Q% ]' _* E" h# N
  1. wget http://ftp.exim.org/pub/pcre/Testing/pcre-8.20-RC1.tar.gz9 J7 U# s( X( d) G; ~% K  Z
  2. tar -xzvf pcre-8.20-RC1.tar.gz
    4 `) A* G8 `) x  e8 D1 R
  3. cd pcre-8.20-RC1
    $ u- s. [# g  J2 r1 K3 y
  4. ./configure --enable-jit
% h) {8 o) c2 B3 X. Y; F- J9 k
Make sure you see that JIT compiling support is enabled, see example:
$ y; d+ W' |# [! D3 I8 x! i! E
6 E- F6 P& T3 X6 r% V% }8 {9 m4 r' b9 O* R0 j1 X/ y8 F% _4 Y
make. C- l, v* d) \  D  {- A
make install
0 h# ?) V8 z1 i& P  d" m2 W, ]$ [" A" ^4 t. R( F' ^' v. ]7 ^' X/ E
P.S + x6 W" F) p9 i! f
if no c++ or gcc (C compiler)  then
4 Q0 ~( g/ N3 X: a4 X6 x. gcheck if have c++ or gcc  ==>7 J' P& c# Y6 g% j# y. `
gcc -v
5 D. m" U% B. @" e, a/ sg++ -v
1 D% N7 s$ M, z( Rc++ -v& r/ E8 ^: ?3 a  d0 M! }
if no ==> install2 C  o' Z) M: [; L  _6 J
yum install gcc-c++
( c# u/ l5 x) A) G! P/ P5 s# O6 l
% c2 J9 R; Q3 \$ b# |" T: u* b
+ L- ^! q3 Q' J3 H/ `" q& a
& @7 v5 W9 g  I# ~4 q

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